Destroy Boys

Unknown Speaker 0:00

Unknown Speaker 0:06
hey homies

Unknown Speaker 0:07
you are listening to it's all happening with me your host, DJ Robin. This is a show where we speak with artists, bands and students about genre defined music being a musical thesis and the history of music and

Unknown Speaker 0:30
what's up everyone you're listening to, it's all happening. And I'm DJ Robin, we have the amazing opportunity to talk with the short boys about touring with pierce the veil and making new music. We also had the opportunity to interview a longtime fan of pure Seville meow. So we talked about destroy boys, Pierce veil, everything. And just the amazingness of that show. There are so many awesome openers as well. So I want you guys to keep on listening. And I'll see you after the interview. All right. Hi, Mia. How are you today?

Unknown Speaker 1:09
Hi, I'm doing great.

Unknown Speaker 1:10
So you went to go see pure Civale in Las Vegas. How was that experience for you? Who was your favorite act so far?

Unknown Speaker 1:20
Like my favorite opening act? Yeah. Let's see. I think it was definitely the destroy boys. Like they blew me away as if I were like, my favorite girl band right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:29
Yeah, no, definitely. So what was like, their favorite song that they performed? That like you can like remember?

Unknown Speaker 1:37
I really, I liked all the songs that they did. And I thought it was really cool. How like, they had two singers. Like they're both amazing. It's like classic they had that was like that classic experience that you have with openers. You're like, oh, I don't know any of their songs. And then they seem that one popular song and they're like, Oh, I didn't know that song. I forget what it's called. You know? It's about that song about grooming.

Unknown Speaker 1:59
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that one? Yeah, no, definitely like talk a lot about why that song became about later on in the interview as well to know that I really liked their set it was super heavy and yeah, I they should come to Vegas more often. That was the whole crowd going they did have the whole girl go and go see them ya know? And like I wanted to like start a pit but I was like I don't know like to eat most

Unknown Speaker 2:25
much. I would have been that if I wasn't saving my energy. Yeah, we had to finally come out definitely be machine for them.

Unknown Speaker 2:33
Definitely not do they were so cool. Oh my god. And then what was your other favorite part of the night? Because there are so many bands do you like there was so like, it was such a fun night. Like I like I don't know how I had so much energy. I think it's just because that everybody was like so good, especially to show boys like, Oh, my God

Unknown Speaker 2:55
basically had a great vibe to it. I really like some of their songs. They kind of reminded me of another opening act that they had. On Pierce avails last tour, they had this guy named Don Broco. And he made like this kind of like ad style pop rock music and it was like very, like, a surreal like, like an out of body experience. Listening to like both of those acts. Basically was like background is really beautiful, too. Yeah, I really liked the dark and everything. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 3:19
do know I really like how fancy the singers like dress. You like wearing a suit. Right? It's giving emo Beatles like you got your stuff for us. That's very flattering. Ya know, they have like a really good vibe. And they're really good stage presence too. And then obviously, you know, pierce the veil. I don't think I have seen any other like, audience that engaged before. Maybe I'm not I didn't go to more concerts. I just I Yeah. Like their fan base is incredible. Like, how like how were you feeling when you saw them like this and like this was towards the end of their jaws of life tours well, so how was that experience? Like Tell me all about that.

Unknown Speaker 4:00
I don't know why it wasn't like I didn't really think about it but I wasn't expecting it to be the best show I ever went through but it actually was I just wasn't thinking about that but it definitely was they had a whole crowd going and you know how like shifty the crowd was. I actually have like, a lot of fun being shifted around in the crowd though, especially since I just planned on going in the mosh pit. I had planned on waiting to like the second half to go on the mosh pit like after they played resilience but like the vibe is so good I just went in for like the first time like definitely executioner. Yeah, that was amazing. Yeah, no,

Unknown Speaker 4:31
it was like everybody was so nice like oh my god like everyone was

Unknown Speaker 4:37
really nice. I love that really nice and understanding even though the crowd was like really tight when I was trying to I had to go to bathroom twice unfortunately, I really didn't want to go the second time but I don't know how to like start your way back was kind of hard. I don't know how you'll ever want to do that again just because it was so tight but like people were understanding like me trying to get my way back through like they would have let me in like in some places but also tight like they would just couldn't Get through and they were like explaining that to me. I was like, Okay, I'll go around the other way. But I really liked at the show how you could let go. Like, your body wasn't your own. You're just being like pushed around and just having fun and swaying side to side.

Unknown Speaker 5:14
Definitely, no, and I'm like, so surprised that you you sound like your way back to us too. Because we weren't like super like near barricade. We were like, kind of like in the middle ish. And then people I remember getting shifted to the side too. And the fries, like everybody took like a huge step forward to the front. And I was like, damn, we're close. Now every

Unknown Speaker 5:32
time I tried to take a step back like to avoid the crowd crush, because I did hear like some people were like, we're getting really squished at the front. Yeah, no, if you look at past five, you guys. Yeah. Because my friend just like the black hair. I was just trying to find her roses on the back of her head. That was like my landmark. I usually at every concert I have like a person as a landmark, but it was really dark. Usually like there's a guy with like a bright shirt. I didn't see like any guys with bright shirts.

Unknown Speaker 5:58
It wasn't a bright shirt kind of crap.

Unknown Speaker 6:02
Yeah, yeah. No, I

Unknown Speaker 6:04
do. That was super cool. That was my first first avail concert. And I've known about your Seville since I was like 13. And I remember like hearing them for the first time in like eighth grade. But I was like, This is good. I was like, I like this. And that's crazy. Like, you know, almost

Unknown Speaker 6:21
all the first songs I like stuck out to you. By them.

Unknown Speaker 6:25
Oh my god. I feel like the song that I've really been liking. From fear. Seville is past the Nirvana. It's from their new album. The jaws of life. Good song. That was so good. And then, you know, they closed out the song with their big hit king for a day. That was great, too. There were so many.

Unknown Speaker 6:49
Oh my god. Like, yeah, cool. How they opened up the pit for king for a day like so wide.

Unknown Speaker 6:54
I wish I was actually the pit for that when I was in it for when they did. Um, I'm so bad pronunciation though. People don't think I'm like a poser. When they did. It did they do. Like, I don't care if you're contagious. Like did they play that?

Unknown Speaker 7:10
I wish I would have went I hadn't read these. I literally

Unknown Speaker 7:15
I had to like, I had to find my friend. Oh my God went home where they started playing emergency contacts. I ran to go find my friend. Because my friend was like, oh my god, like, like, I think you have to go get water. And I was like, I have to go find my friend like to find emergency contact. And then he's like, if you ever see contact, like, hold on to them. I was like, Oh my God, I need to go get my friend like I need to go find her right now. It's like, you're gonna go find my friend Shay. Like something like running and though he was playing emergency contact. And I was like, this is such a beautiful moment. No,

Unknown Speaker 7:42
it's funny. Like me and my friend. We were thinking about the concert and we kind of did like recall things that didn't happen. I was like, oh, yeah, wait in the pit for this one. I wasn't with you. I was like, wait, no, I was with you. Bulletproof love. Yes. Oh, my God. made no sense for me to have gotten into the pit. No, no, that was beautiful. We were together for that song. It was really good. lies like the especially the beginning.

Unknown Speaker 8:05
Yeah. Know that. Yeah. That was so good. Like they play loud. Like I love it when they play loud, dude. I'm like, yes. Go anyway, hearing.

Unknown Speaker 8:19
Yeah, because I thought I didn't need my earplugs because we weren't on the barricade. But our ears were ringing after the concert. So definitely wear earplugs every show. Yeah, I think like a general GA show.

Unknown Speaker 8:29
I know. Yeah. Cuz I do call to photography. Sometimes that certain shows. I'm like, right by the speaker. I'm like, I probably should wear them but it doesn't really match with my outfit. But I'm gonna probably wear your earplugs. Yeah, I'm gonna remind you of like, oh my God, dude.

Unknown Speaker 8:45
I was just like, I have to take them out because I don't know. Like, the loss of sensation kind of made me feel like a little bit anxious. So I picked them out. Yeah. And then just never put them back in. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:55
um, do you remember? I this is it was doing there. The PDVSA and I don't know like, do you. I want to recall this with you. So Vic flood says he gave a girl his guitar, right?

Unknown Speaker 9:11
She was bracelets when she was really nice. You she gave to me?

Unknown Speaker 9:14
Well, okay, and you spoke to her. How was that? Like? Did you like what were you guys talking about?

Unknown Speaker 9:21
She was really sweet. When we were we were in line and we were making bracelets while we were waiting in line. Like the group that we made friends with she came up and she like asked us if she wanted a bracelet. If we wanted a bracelet and she had like a really cool way she had a she had like four rings clips of her belt. And then like different albums. I think they saw the five rings actually. And I picked the new national anthem. I forgot which one my friend picked. But it was really cool that she like spent all that time doing that. And then it was really cool to see like red rhinestones on your face in the black. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
Now did you get to talk to her after she received the guitar? Not did she go back to like typing now because I I think I was like getting like lost in the crowd but like, curious about like the process of Yeah, I was like Yeah, cuz I was trying to make my way all over like when I go to the shows I tried to like make my way like all over just see how everybody's doing checking stuff out. I go into like journalists mode. But did you get to talk to her afterwards? Or do you know what happened?

Unknown Speaker 10:20
I didn't, but I was looking at their tag posts and I went and I saw her and she posted about it. And I like liked it. It was really cool. I actually will when I was at when we're young first and the girl that they gave the guitar. I saw it six o'clock later. And then it showed her like they put it in a box and she was just like holding it while she's still like watching the other band.

Unknown Speaker 10:40
Oh my god. Wow, that is beautiful. I love when artists do that. Like they just give their fans not only like the gift of their live music, but like their guitar that makes the music like oh my god that

Unknown Speaker 10:53
that's the ultimate dedication. When they do hold on. You can really feel it. You

Unknown Speaker 10:57
definitely can. And that's so special. I love that and congratulations to her wherever she is if she's listening to this. We all want to be your girl. We all want to be you and congratulations and we hope you had fun that night. Did you have fun that night?

Unknown Speaker 11:14
Me? Yeah. Oh, yes. Yes. Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us. I'm here with destroy boys. How are you guys doing?

Unknown Speaker 11:26
We're doing a bit of an impromptu interview. I'll tell you guys why later on in the episode, but we are here and get Oh, fabulous. Las Vegas, Nevada. We're here with storyboards. They're playing with pierce the veil. How are you guys doing today? What's up?

Unknown Speaker 11:39
It's pretty good. Vegas. It's all right second last show the tour. So

Unknown Speaker 11:45
we're tired but we're almost gotten so yeah, feeling fabulous. Yeah, you

Unknown Speaker 11:49
guys are you guys are still still kicking along here. Oh, I know it has been. So how does it feel to be playing with Pierce avail going on tour with them. This is amazing. You guys.

Unknown Speaker 12:02
It is amazing. I this is why I love your Seville I have loved Pearcedale for over a decade now. And I love them and they're very nice people. And it's nice to play their crowd, too as well. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:14
every single band on this tour has been really fun to like hang out with like pierce the veil. LL students and Daesik are all really fun people and really kind people. So it's been nice to just hang out with everybody, you know, enjoy music.

Unknown Speaker 12:26
Yeah. Awesome. So you guys have been touring all over the place. What city has been your favorite so far? And what city? Are you guys excited about going to next? On this tour the whole year? The whole year? Just yeah. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:41
it was probably my favorite. I liked Vienna because there was an amazing amusement park. And the vibes were just great. The sun was out. It was in the summer. I just had a great time. In Austria, it was great.

Unknown Speaker 12:54
Europe in general, just so magical to be in. We had a great off day in Vienna. That was really fun. We integrate often in Austin and all the summer. That was super fun.

Unknown Speaker 13:06
I got to see this electron. I got to see a bunch of friends in Minneapolis a couple of days ago on the store. So I really and Minneapolis is like a pretty cool city, honestly. So I enjoyed I enjoyed that.

Unknown Speaker 13:17
I loved our show with pierce the veil in Boston. It's really really fun. Really fun.

Unknown Speaker 13:24
So you guys have obviously been super busy touring this year. You guys have a few music festivals under your belt. You guys played Coachella this year. And this year, you guys played Coachella? Like, oh my god. I know. For years,

Unknown Speaker 13:38
it was crazy. Like driving around in a little golf cart in the backstage it felt so like bougie I don't know like it felt so it was like very reality TV.

Unknown Speaker 13:47
It was it was very reality TV. I felt like a Kardashian. Yeah, around. So funny. It was so cool to be a part of something so big, you know, Coachella is like the most legendary music festival, you know, and it's cool. It's becoming more rock forward.

Unknown Speaker 14:00
And it was to see like a bunch of like, different kinds of artists like I got to see Agnico I got to see no name like and you're like all in the same weekend. So like what a crazy mishmash of art and like you know knock loose blade and like all these other you know what people like? Really interesting lineup to this year.

Unknown Speaker 14:23
Oh my god. Awesome. Um, so How has working together for so long impacted the synergy you have as a band?

Unknown Speaker 14:30
So good question for us right now, Alex? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 14:33
I think it's really, like, encouraged us to work through our problems in a way that bands in the past like maybe didn't have the communication tools that are available as widely as they are now. So it's kind of like when we have our differences. We have to sort of like, learn how to work with each other about them and come to some sort of resolution. You know what I mean? We're

Unknown Speaker 14:57
all I would say that all four of us are like good open communicators, honest communicators. And we all want what's best for the band. And we all want the same thing. And we all really love each other. So if you enter a conflict with that on your mind, it's really easy to resolve the group true.

Unknown Speaker 15:15
And we like to have fun. So love to have fun. That's like them Mo, you know? And so when it's like, something's wrong, it's like, let's get back to having fun. Like, how do we get back to having fun together? You know?

Unknown Speaker 15:26
Yeah, if it's not fun, it's like, why are you guys doing it? Yeah. So, as you guys know, you're one of your hit songs. I threw glass at my friends I and now I'm on probation. It's been trending a lot on tick tock. What's the meaning behind the sob? Why was it written? Why was it written? Just tell me everything about it. Um,

Unknown Speaker 15:46
we wrote that song when we wrote that song when we first started the band. It was like this third song we ever wrote together. Um, you know, Alexei, and I used to just be an acoustic duo. I was destroyed boy. So it was like, originally this very sad kind of minor chord song about this guy who was a little bit older than me, who was kind of messing me around. And I felt guilty for wanting something that I knew was looked at to be bad, but I also wanted it, you know, so it's kind of about that inner conflict in a way and is it trending on Tik Tok again? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:26
You guys have like a bunch of new fans.

Unknown Speaker 16:27
That's awesome. That's so good.

Unknown Speaker 16:30
Like, yo, like, come to Vegas, or like a marina come to Salt Lake like.

Unknown Speaker 16:37
I'm chronically online. So

Unknown Speaker 16:38
really, yeah, I always do like, it's funny because like, we didn't make it trend on purpose. Like I didn't have tick tock until maybe a year after the song was popular on Tik Tok. And so I think that might be the same for both of us. It's like, very funny. It's very funny how that happened. And it goes to show that that's like, such a common experience amongst people like because of how popular it is, you know, like, obviously, there's a lot of people who fuck around and give everybody the runaround instead of being straight up about their feelings. And so a lot of people can kind of like relate to that. Wanting not wanting like, being rejected, but not being rejected at the same time, like very

Unknown Speaker 17:15
interesting being kept in limbo by someone who's way more powerful than you who you can't really say no to. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 17:21
like a terrible situation show. Yeah, the worst guides ever had.

Unknown Speaker 17:25
Yeah, I also want to say to like, some people, I read at one point that someone was like, Vi is like, oh, sorry. They were like VI is like promoting, you know, these toxic relationships. And the whole point of that song is about like the inner true inner feelings, your true inner conflict. Like, you may know that something is bad, but you might want it anyway. That's just how I was honestly, feeling. Yeah, you know, and I think it's important to always write music from an honest perspective. So saying, I was promoting that as a 15 year old kid is actually a curse word. Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 17:59
it's like, if I like write a song about alcoholism, in my promoting alcoholism, like it's more an inner surge of like a person's feelings, you know, what do you mean? It's like, you can't just say, and also anybody just like, assuming what we're saying in a song is like, you're that's ridiculous. Like, you have no idea what we're talking what we're actually talking about, like, that's something that's cool about music too, is the way that everybody can kind of ascribe to their own meaning to it. And so it's interesting when someone like, if someone puts that on one of us, it's like, okay, that's what you're reading from the song like, that's not my my intention is like to put the song out there and you decide what you think, you know, it is like, how to know music is so interpretive that like, it's like, don't put your perceptions don't like project on me so much, you know? Yeah, just like figure out why you think it means that Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:52
Yeah, so what is your guys's favorite song to perform live?

Unknown Speaker 18:59
Fences is like the one we end with end with it's like, I don't know. I just feel like it's just like, the perfect closer like I think since we wrote it, we've ended every set with it since then. It just like has that nice resolving feeling? Yeah, sounds very fun.

Unknown Speaker 19:16
I've been loving performing Chateau it's our It's our newest single and I've just really enjoyed like singing it. I don't know why, like I get to dance around and be kind of free and interact with the crowd in different ways. There's like a little Spanish moment in there and so I've had a really fun time singing that song.

Unknown Speaker 19:37
I also vote Chateau I love playing that song so much. I was gonna say Francis too because it is super fun closing with that the energy is always great. It's like a perfect resolving no like NARSAD but shadows, so fun to play. I love every single part of that song and we all get down.

Unknown Speaker 19:53
My favorites probably tablecell Miko it's like it's like a half step down. On and I think the parts just hit so hard and has a lot of dynamics and I love dynamics in a song it's my favorite thing so far

Unknown Speaker 20:11
awesome. And is there anything else that you guys would like to tell people that they might not know about destroy boys anything to the fans any new music projects coming up?

Unknown Speaker 20:19
I'm single now I don't know. That was only update. I can

Unknown Speaker 20:27
really think we have a lot of songs in the wall. Yeah. There's a lot of music way more relevant. There's a lot of new music coming next year.

Unknown Speaker 20:35
At this point, then I'm like we made a Discord server. So we're gonna have a Discord server if you want to go chat with other people about whatever, in a respectful way. That'll be there.

Unknown Speaker 20:48
What's the server's name?

Unknown Speaker 20:49
Ooh, I don't know. Yeah, it was it's gonna be like I was I've been thinking about this. I know but that's like kinda I don't know. I would kind of like DVR me but I feel like that's a subset of it. That's like the political part of it because I want to like have little live chats where it's like okay, everybody we're gonna call our senators right now. But yeah, we're

Unknown Speaker 21:10
thinking of something hmm the BTS fan base is called the army. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 21:14
okay. Well think of something the DV DV world maybe? I don't Yeah, we'll see. I don't know. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:19
there's anything you want the fans to know about to university University

Unknown Speaker 21:30
Not really.

Unknown Speaker 21:32
Oh my god slay

Unknown Speaker 21:34
I'm gay. I'm getting I'm queer. What? No one knew that. Like she's

Unknown Speaker 21:41
queer shops everyone's shocked to know their pronouns that's

Unknown Speaker 21:47
awesome. Thank you guys so much. Thank you guys so much for listening to the interview I did with destroyer boys I hope you guys enjoyed it just as much as I did. Make sure you guys go and stream their new song shadow I'm breaking down and some of my favorites from destroy boys I'm gonna play and like I said take a listen. First song up is muzzle and the second is I threw glass on my friends I and now I'm on probation Alright guys I'll see you next time bye

Unknown Speaker 22:27
by this screen you think I'm trashing the guy you're telling me by this guy

Unknown Speaker 22:46
I am not your Sharpie you don't know me

Unknown Speaker 22:53
you know me by the screen you see me you see me know me by the screen you can see me getting close to the weekend

Unknown Speaker 23:40
this is disgusting like Zeus What do you think you're doing? You're like way older than me and your girls nevermind me Just kidding. Please do I really want to hang out with you

Unknown Speaker 24:08
it's a delight seriously What do you think your your man bag and you're so one thing that one time Rogers but it would have been a bad idea because you don't care about me like I care about you. So nevermind me over and over again. Just kidding. I really want to hang out with you

Unknown Speaker 24:45
I'm really ironically feeling quite lost right now. Like in a really big forward looking like Tahoe or something somewhere. is scary to like I don't really know and I can tell you kind of freak me out. We can be friends. Nevermind me over as far as just kidding, please do I really want to hang out with you

Unknown Speaker 25:22
Never mind me just getting like really you wanna make out with

Unknown Speaker 25:30

Transcribed by

Destroy Boys
Broadcast by