
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, u and v studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:22
Hey homies you are listening to it's all happening with me your host, DJ Robin. This is a show where we speak with artists, bands and students about genre defying music being a music enthusiast and the history of music. And

Unknown Speaker 0:45
hi, Mariah, how are you? How are you feeling? It's Sunday in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
I'm doing great. I'm so happy to be here. And you know, play the show. It's gonna be a lot of fun. And thanks for having me. I really, really appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 0:59
Yeah, no, thanks for coming on the show. Thanks for coming on. It's all happening and you know, supporting college radio stations. It's great.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
Oh my gosh, absolutely. I think that's so awesome. Kind of keep that going.

Unknown Speaker 1:11
Right? Definitely. Alright, so I have to ask, why the name plush. I love. It's so cute. But you guys are like badass rock chicks. Like, that's so cool.

Unknown Speaker 1:23
So it kind of was just a thing where we were all I think thinking way too hard about it. Like no, like, it has to mean something. And yes, it's sometimes for different groups. That is it. But sometimes we're just like, you know, somebody threw out the name plush. And we were just like, oh, you know what? Like, it's just funny, because we thought that it was funny because exactly what you just said is it's very like, you know, it's very ironic, I guess I'd say. It's like, we're these four little girls, and it's like, Oh, help you like plush, whatever. And then, you know, but we're a hard rock band. So we just thought it was funny. Plus, it just will off the tongue easily. Yeah, I remember, you know,

Unknown Speaker 2:09
totally. No, I love that. It's like, it's like people like we'll call it commission of like, Wait, who's flush? Like, like, who are they? And it's like, Lord girls sing and hard rock. I love that. Yeah, and then speaking of hard rock, you guys have you guys are definitely taking it back to like classic rock like that big like stadium sound. You guys sound a lot like heart. Yeah, like honestly, like I was getting like heart vibes. I was even getting, you know, some like bloody vibes to dislike like a cool frog. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
Blondie. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 2:46
And even like, kind of Bikini Kill just kind of like that, like feminine rage. And like, I love to see it. And like I love to see like women. Like you guys like holding it down out there with like, a bunch of men. Like, I love that y'all are holding it down.

Unknown Speaker 3:01
Thank you. Yeah, no, it's always there's never enough women, you know, in anywhere but especially in rock, you know?

Unknown Speaker 3:10
Yeah, definitely. So how does it feel to be touring with disturbed and falling in reverse? These are really big bands. It's been around for a minute. How long? Have you guys been in the scene? Tell me all about it.

Unknown Speaker 3:26
Well, first off, it feels super surreal. It's like, you know, bands that we all grew up with. I know, faith, our drummer in particular has a huge following and reverse fan, even before this tour. So it feels really frickin cool to be able to tour with, you know, bands that you grew up with and disturbed, of course, oh my gosh. I mean, I remember listening to down with the sickness when I was a little kid. And I was like, oh, man, I love it. You know what I mean? Like, everybody knows that song. So it's been really incredible. To be able to have the opportunity, you know, just to, and it is a huge opportunity. But also, they're all just very great people, very genuine kind people who are super welcoming, and very, very supportive. And, you know, would do anything for anyone. So it's been really, really incredible. And we're just honored that, you know, they even decided to take us out. Well,

Unknown Speaker 4:27
no, I mean, yeah, congratulations. This is really big for you guys. It's great stuff. Ya know, I've known about falling in reverse since I was like in middle school my friend She's actually seen them twice now. She went to see Yeah, she went to see them on Warped Tour and so I never got got to go to work tour. So I'm like living my middle school dream out right now and then yeah, like, like disturbed like I had. I remember I had like this like metal phase like in high school and I would like listen to disturb, you know, down on the sickness of course, that's like one of their beds. So it's just crazy that like, it's like Wow, like everything that has like, influenced me, it's like, I get to experience that. And then also it's like learning like about new bands too. It's really cool. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:10
that's frickin awesome. Having those, like, nostalgic memories too.

Unknown Speaker 5:16
Yeah, dude, it's great. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 5:19
That's how I That's how I feel a little bit too.

Unknown Speaker 5:23
So how is this toward been like you guys have been almost to every city in America, I want to say.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
Yeah, it's been, it's been all over. It's been freaking crazy. Like, it's, it's definitely the longest one that we've done as well. It's, it's got the money, the most shows that we've done as a band on tour. And it's just, I mean, the whole thing is crazy. I don't even feel like I'm gonna, like it's gonna fully hit me until I'm home, like, in my bed, and I'm just gonna like what just happened?

Unknown Speaker 5:58
Literally, because I feel like it's like one of those things where it's like, Wait, pinch me like, like, I must be treated like this. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Oh, my God. So now let's get into your guys's music. What was the inspiration behind the song Athena? love that song? Really big sound. definitely has that classic rock sound on it as well. So tell me a little bit. Tell me a little bit about how that was written.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
You said the song with Tina. Athena. Oh, yeah. Okay, sorry. I missed that somehow. No worries. You're all good. So, yeah, a funeral was a song it just started off as a riff, it was just that, you know, the dirt own deed or under it was just that riff. And I was like, Man, I have this riff and I don't know what to do with it. I don't know where to go next. And so I took it to Johnny Kay, who had produced our actually it's funny, he produced disturbed through back in the day, but who had produced our first album, and we just started writing the song together. And he was like, you know, what's the most badass thing that you can think of? And I didn't know what I didn't know. I was like, Man, I don't know. So I'm just looking. I'm like sitting in my office and I'm looking to my right, and there's my, you know, boa constrictor sitting on her perch, doing whatever she's doing. Like, honestly, like, snakes. Like I just, they're just the most badass thing to me. Like, they are so badass. I mean, just completely cold. Like, just, you know what I mean? Just total predatory and things like, I'm just like, matches badass. So we decided to try and in my book instructors name is Athena. And so we decided to make like this thing kind of about, like a symbol about love. But you know, love being so constricting that it's like, Are you sure you want to get that close? Because I can be a lot you know what I mean? Like, it's kind of like a metaphor with a snake but like love and war at the same time. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:11
So you have a pet bow a constructor? That is so dope dude. Oh, my God. I

Unknown Speaker 8:16
do I have I have three snakes or lizard. Yeah. Yeah. What are their names? Reptiles. Well, one's name has been the other one's name is Blake and then I just got a baby boy named Eden.

Unknown Speaker 8:29
Ah, yeah. Oh my god. Wait, that's so cool. Is that why your guyses logo has like the snake on it?

Unknown Speaker 8:39
Yeah, yeah, I just I love snakes, man. They're like, my favorite creatures. I love them.

Unknown Speaker 8:47
That's so cool. Oh my god. I actually I wanted to get like a pet snake like, like, I think like a year or two ago because I was just really interested in them because I'm from Florida. And there's like a lot of like garden snakes. That would like roam around and like sometimes like my friends and I like we would like catch them because like they're not poisonous. All the garden snakes out there. Yeah. And like, yeah, so sometimes, like we'd see them like swimming in like, like a friend's pool. Like it was crazy. But I remember I was like, Wait, what if I got like a little pet snake, but like, I live in a dorm. So I don't know if I can do that. That's awesome, though.

Unknown Speaker 9:20
I know. I know what you mean. I love going to Florida just for that or anywhere in the southeast. I guess just for that reason. Because I'm like, Oh my gosh, they have you know, it's warm, almost like all year long. All year round. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, they are reptiles. They just everywhere. They're no

Unknown Speaker 9:37
Exactly. And you guys played Orlando actually, which is like where I'm from in Florida. How was how was that?

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Oh, that was awesome. That was it was a lot of fun. I love Orlando. I love Florida as a whole, you know, and the crowd was really fun there too. I mean, people were really lit to be there. It was. It was it was A lot of fun. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 10:02
Oh my God, that's super cool. And so I've just been watching you guys like play like, like, I'd see your videos pop up on Instagram and stuff. And then you know, I've been on YouTube. And I saw that you had the opportunity to sing with David from the band disturbed. I like that. Wow. Like, hold up, like, let's start there like that is so cool.

Unknown Speaker 10:25
It's it's friggin crazy, man. I don't even know. Even just the fact that you know, he thought of me to sing that with him is pretty insane. And something that I never foresaw coming. That's for sure. I'm just super honored seriously, like, it's he'd been one of my favorite rock singers since I was a kid. And they're household names. So it's really such an honor to and he's just an incredible frontman, you know? So totally, really just such an honor to be able to share the stage with him for a song seriously.

Unknown Speaker 11:02
Yeah, dude, congratulations. That's amazing. And hopefully you guys do that again tonight here in Vegas. So I'll be seeing you guys for the first time tonight. Yes, thank you so much for for giving us those tickets. I know y'all have like a bunch of people and stuff on the list. But yeah, you guys are amazing. So shout out to your team. You guys are wonderful, wonderful people. I'm excited to see you guys play. And I really I want to see Barracuda tonight. I want to hear you guys play that live tonight. If you guys do have it on your setlist. But honestly, I'm just super excited to hear you guys play live and just experience that with you all.

Unknown Speaker 11:43
Thank you so much. We're super excited to play tonight, too. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:47
no, I'm, I haven't been to any like really big concerts in Vegas just well, actually. I saw pierce the veil back in December and like, Oh, nice. Yeah. It was it was insane in the best way as possible. So I like didn't know what I was expecting. I was like, well, like this is like cool, like, blah, blah, blah, like we go to it was at Brooklyn Bowl, which is like a pretty good sized venue here. But the crowd was so much energy, dude. And the crowd was amazing. And like, yeah, Vegas definitely shows out. So yeah, there's like, an awesome, yeah, it was super cool. So as a band, How has working together impacted the synergy of you guys writing together and just being together?

Unknown Speaker 12:35
Oh, man, it honestly kind of does in every single way I can think of it's, it really just solidifies. Because like, once you have that bond with each other, it's very, it's a lot easier to figure out, you know, like, like, the music actually becomes tighter. Like, the better that you get to know each other and in, the better that the more time that you spend. It's like, it's different. It's the chemistry on stage is different. And as a result, you play better, you're tighter together, you gel better, it obviously helps with being efficient, too. You know, because we, when you like spending time with your bandmates, and you love them, it's you know, it makes it a lot easier to get things done. I mean, it's helped in almost every way I can think of seriously and it's amazing to have that sisterhood on the road to because we're all women, we all know, you know, what it's like to be a band full of full of young girls and young women and stuff like that. And it is a different experience for sure. Yeah. And so it's really amazing to be able to have that, you know, that bond with each other, we each get each other no matter what, at the end of the day, if somebody says XY and Z or you know, somebody else just doesn't get it or whatever, we all have each other's backs. And it's like it really is a sister. I love my sisters, and I wouldn't want to you know, do this with anybody else.

Unknown Speaker 14:02
Wow, that was beautiful. Well said that is like a really good answer. That was very well said. Okay, so now what is your favorite song to perform live?

Unknown Speaker 14:13
Oh, man.

Unknown Speaker 14:15
There's a lot there just like your favorite on the Take Back Your Life tour.

Unknown Speaker 14:23
I would say my favorite has been either run or hope it hurts off of our new EP. Just because I think it's their new you know, we it's our first time it's our first time playing them. This tour is the first time that we've ever played them live. So it's just a lot of fun you know, and there's new elements in it too that I like as well like in run i i play the solo which is which is a lot of fun and you know and hope it hurts just have this different groove that's different from any of our music that we put out before. And so it's it's a lot of fun and I love the harmonies that that actually does too. I love getting to sing those songs with her live as well. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 15:05
that's really cool. And so you guys are in rock. I remember there's a time where rock was it was kind of dying for a minute out there. I remember that. Oh, yeah, like so it was down back. Yeah, yeah, girl it was down real bad. I remember one time I was like, it was like my first year in college. I was like at a party. And I remember I played a Led Zeppelin song. And like, everybody, like stared at me was like, Who the hell put this on? And like, I don't know, do you know that? I mean, we're like, we're like, there's like people at a party. They're just like, who put this on? And then it's like the guy from King of Queens being like me next to the speaker. That was literally what happened. I was like, Yeah, literally, like, who put this on? Like, oh, my Yeah, no, but then I like saw some people like, they're, they're like, Yo, like, this is actually kind of cool. And I was like, yeah, like, I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 16:02
Like, could you imagine? I couldn't even imagine getting looked at like, I have frickin 12 heads for putting on Led

Unknown Speaker 16:08
Zeppelin like, yeah, like everybody like looked like who but this, like, baggage. Like, I cut the music out, you go to like, Urban Outfitters,

Unknown Speaker 16:17
and there's like, the NK shirts everywhere that like some people don't even know what the bands are. But it's put his put anything that's like rocking around like, damn, like, because people get mad. You know, some people get angry about like, you know, do these gyms even know when these bands and whatever. And I'm like, it's not really about that. It's about the imagery. It's all rock and roll imagery. It's all about seeing little things in there, you know, to catch their interest, and it'll slowly come back. And that's exactly what the hell is happening. It's already happened. You know, people love rock. Now again, exactly. All the pop stars are trying to do rock albums now. I mean, literally,

Unknown Speaker 16:52
No, literally like everybody. It's like, dude, like, I don't know, this is gonna probably, I don't care if that's gonna make me sound bad. But honestly, Rocky, I don't care. I don't know. Sorry. Like, when I go to the thrift store, like I want to see, like, you know, the bell bottoms still there. Like, I want my band to. You know what I mean? It's like, I want to be like the weird, quirky girl with like, the random Music Days, like, I don't know, like, No, it's true, though.

Unknown Speaker 17:15
Yeah, there does need to be a certain you know, because I don't know. It's

Unknown Speaker 17:21
it's further rocker pools. Yeah. Because I don't know, like, I remember. You know, my dad. He was in a reggae band in the 90s. And he would like, awesome. Yeah. And so he would like, like, I remember the car like he would play like Bob Marley. And then sometimes he would play like Queen, and where he would play like Led Zeppelin and stuff. And I'm just like, What is this? I remember the first time hearing queen, I was like, nine or 10. And I just was like, taken to another world. I was like, What is this? I was like, why is it so good? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 17:59
nothing like it. Oh, my God. I mean, that was like my band. My that bands for me when I was little was Aerosmith. I just I felt that my dad will play your music all the time. And I would just like, take CDs and just like lock myself in my room with my guitar and trying to figure out how to play. Yeah, you know, do various parts. It's just It's always that one band. Like, when you're a kid that's like, Oh, my God. Of course the pads. Right. So it was the dads that are responsible for that. No,

Unknown Speaker 18:32
totally. Yeah. And like my dad. Yeah, my dad was a guitarist. And so I remember like picking up like guitars and like trying to play it and stuff. And I remember one time, like, I went to like, my dad's like, band practice. I like tried to, like mess around with the drums and like, I wanted to do drums, but I was too scared. And so I started like ice and around the same time I got scared. So I was like, I'm just gonna keep with ice skating. But looking back and like, I kind of wish I stick with the drums

Unknown Speaker 18:57
while you still can I know.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
I still can't. It's never too late. Yeah, no, I did. I really want to like pick the drums back up again. And even like guitar, like, I remember doing a pandemic. Like I was like telling my dad I'm like, I'm like, You need to teach me how to play. Now. Like, I remember like, I was trying to play like some Fleetwood Mac songs. Like it was like 2020 I was I got pretty good at it. I was like actually like surprised. And then I and then I played bass. I still have my bass sometimes I pick up the bass here and there and stuff. But yeah, I don't know. I feel like like I love music so much like and I love I have so much respect for musicians and like artists and everything and so I just I love learning more just, I love being part of it. I love the scene. Like I love

Unknown Speaker 19:44
like and it really is an amazing thing to like see so many people have different and everybody's got their thing you know, it's it's really interesting and fun to be able to see other people you know, and it's like, man I couldn't ever do that, but I like, and then you can look around and just appreciate it because you're like, man, like, I don't that's not my thing. But I don't know, it's just interesting to me how everybody has their thing, even even outside of music, whether it's art or, you know, whatever. But it's always very interesting to me to, to pay attention to stuff like that, because I love it. It genuinely is interesting to me.

Unknown Speaker 20:24
Oh, no, it definitely isn't. I feel like rock is such a diverse genre. Like you could be listening to like this one band is one singer. And it sounds completely different from this. Like, I remember I think I was like, I don't know if for instance, like you can play Fleetwood Mac, and then you could put on like pierce the veil or falling universe and like they're all playing guitars, but they're playing it in different ways, but it still moves you. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:46
exactly. Yeah, so consider like, it's

Unknown Speaker 20:50
still rock. Rock. Yeah, that's why when people are like, Oh, rock this rock that I'm like, Okay, what kind of rock? Are we talking metal? We're talking death metal. Black Metal. We're talking pop punk. We're talking hardcore. We're talking. You know,

Unknown Speaker 21:06
I'm like, are we talking about you know, Miley Cyrus his album? Like what are we talking?

Unknown Speaker 21:09
Yeah, like, are we talking? Are we talking? nd you know, are we talking shoe gays? Like, like, you gotta like, you gotta narrow it down. Like we're talking emo. Like

Unknown Speaker 21:23
that's a term that I don't hear a lot of people talk about.

Unknown Speaker 21:25
Yeah, so shoegaze Yeah, I would check out some shit gays artists. I don't know. It's really it's really popular in the Pacific Northwest like, like, like Northern California, Oregon, Washington and stuff. Like super grungy there. Yeah, hell. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:45
I mean, that's kind of like the Northeast.

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Yeah. Where are you guys from?

Unknown Speaker 21:50
Um, well, our drummer is actually from Arizona. So she's she's a Westie, but

Unknown Speaker 21:58
she's the West Coast girl. Yeah, but

Unknown Speaker 22:01
our guitar player is from Maine, Bella. And then Ashley, the bass player and myself are from New York.

Unknown Speaker 22:10
Oh, cool. Okay, awesome. So how do you guys practice? Like, how did you guys how did you guys like come together? Like, yo, let's let's be a band. Like how did that all start?

Unknown Speaker 22:21
Yeah, so Ashley and I met first. I mean, because, you know, we're the two New Yorkers. And then we just started jamming and we were like, damn, like, Screw it. Let's be banned. And so we put out a PSA for a guitar player. And I think the way that Bella saw that was Lizzy Hale from Halestorm retweeted it or we grabbed it or something. Wow. She sent in a video to us and reached out to us and we were like, oh my god, like that's it. That's her. Like, we love her.

Unknown Speaker 22:52
I Love Lucy Hale. Oh my god. That's amazing. She's so

Unknown Speaker 22:57
incredible. She's, she's been super she really honestly has been really supportive. And she's just, she's, she's somebody she's one of my heroes, for sure. She's one of my biggest heroes. I looked up to growing up, that's for sure. Because nobody played. I mean, you know, nobody really. I mean, yeah, there's like Joan Jett. And and a lot of women back in the day who sang and played guitar in hard rock, but, you know, Lita Ford, but but there wasn't anybody of like, you know, our generation at the time who was doing stuff like that. So when I saw Lizzie Hill for the first time, I was like, holy shit. You know, this woman is everything. I you know what I mean? Like I was just super inspired by it. So that was a really cool part of it. But yeah, we all just more or less found each other over social media, which is kind of fun.

Unknown Speaker 23:46
Yeah, I love that we

Unknown Speaker 23:48
just met. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:49
yeah, now that's super cool. Oh my god. Yeah, but I'm speaking of like other like women rock rain. Do you guys know who Kelsey Carter? The heroines are? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 24:00
Yes. I have heard of I've I've heard the heroines Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:04
Yeah, they are Kelsey Carter. She's the woman from like, she's the front woman of the band. Taking it back like that old school like 80s rock sound. Yeah, I feel like you guys should collaborate in the future. Maybe that'd be cool to see more women in rock collaborating? Yeah, that'd

Unknown Speaker 24:20
be freaking awesome. Because as many women in rock we're collaborating renowned.

Unknown Speaker 24:24
I know and like one thing. Yeah, I know. I feel like more women and rock should collaborate because I feel like would just bring everybody together and it would just you know Yeah, because like you see like a lot of these bands like Bring Me the Horizon and like, like the singer from bad omens collaborating, but I know Baby Metal and Bring Me the Horizon did collaborate as well. But I would love to see Baby Metal Kelsey plush, like, who knows, you know, maybe even get Paramore out there. I know. They're kind of like taking a break. But

Unknown Speaker 24:56
hey, Paramore is another one of my favorite bands. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:58
I I love firmware so much. Yeah. Now that'd be really cool. So that'd be awesome to see more female rock singers collaborate in the future. I feel like, you know, rock is coming back to life and like, what are your thoughts like rock coming back to life just in general like,

Unknown Speaker 25:14
yeah, it's great. I totally wholeheartedly believe it. I see it, you know, I It makes me really happy to be to feel like solidified and a new generation of, of rock together, I guess, can you because for a while it was not looking good. Like you were saying, oh, yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 25:34
was like, oh, yeah, it was like it was not. Yeah, it was outcast. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:40
I was just gonna say like, it was not the cool thing to be like the outcast rock kid in school, who like did whatever and it's like now it's like a trend. No

Unknown Speaker 25:47
one really wants to be all I'm sorry. shit to do with me when I was in school. I

Unknown Speaker 25:52
remember when I would like wear like my black like skinny jeans and like my choker necklaces. Like my flannels, like I remember he's like, Oh, you're like weird. Like you're trying to be emo. Like actually. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:07
Are you emailed? To like, do

Unknown Speaker 26:09
like so like, it's like grunge like is an emo and I'm just like, Oh my God. Yeah, but you know, now everybody wants to be all so I guess we all suck the tread, but it's cool. It's cool. I'm not mad about it. No, this is this is so cool. And I'm just I'm happy that I get to see it. Like, in my lifetime, because I remember in high school, I was like, Oh my God. I was like, I like rock. But I was like, you know, I've always gonna be looked at as like girl who? Who like, you know, the outcast girl who likes like weird bands from the 90s and early 2000s and stuff, but you know, I'm not wearing early

Unknown Speaker 26:49
2000s late 90s bands are coming back like they're coming in hot now. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 26:53
I feel like it was pretty crazy. I know that a lot of these bands are actually bigger than they once were when they first like came out. And when they were touring and stuff I remember. Like Deftones for example, their new metal band. Oh, yeah. Huge.

Unknown Speaker 27:07
They're going off on like, it's all I feel like it's all because of like, tick tock. I first I was really pissed at tick tock. But then I'm like,

Unknown Speaker 27:15
Alright, I was mad to bring back some cool stuff. Because I was like, Oh, I was like, we'll have to bring those bands up again. I was like, oh, like, I want to gatekeeping I'm like, actually, no, let's bring them back. And let's bring warped or back to right. No, literally, but ya know, Tiktok is definitely you know, how that resurgence, you know, System of a Down core. Yeah, I mean, these beds. They're already huge. Yeah, like, they're already super big. But I just feel like, you know, 2530 at Yeah, like going on 30 years and more. They're still as big which is like, incredible. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:54
And some are just getting bigger.

Unknown Speaker 27:56
Ya know what I'm just like, it's like, so cool. This is like, oh, it's like, I remember when these bands were not they weren't low key, but they kind of just stuck to like their scene or their, like their sub genre. Like super nice. Yeah. Right. They were super nice. And now it's like they're expanding. They're touring stadiums. It's cool to say, Yeah, it's amazing. No, definitely, definitely. So thank you so much Mariah for coming on the show. Is there anything else that you would like to tell fans or any news about plush in the future? Any news to Vegas fans or fans around the world? I

Unknown Speaker 28:30
guess I would just say, first of all, thank you for having me. I really, really appreciate it. This was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed talking to you, you as well. And I guess to the Vegas fans, I would say I can't wait to play for you guys tonight and hang out have a great last show. Together. Thank you for the support if you've been supporting us. And I also do want to let people know that we have a headline tour coming up that starts April 27 is our very first headline tour. So yeah. Other than that, everybody stay safe and healthy and happy.

Unknown Speaker 29:04
Yes. Oh my god. Thank you so much. Mariah, thank you so much for coming on. It's all happening. Yeah, we can't wait to see you rock out tonight. It's gonna be great.

Unknown Speaker 29:14
Thank you. Looking forward to it. Thanks for having me again.

Unknown Speaker 29:18
Yeah, of course. Thank you

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